Thursday, August 9, 2007

Turku, Finland

Okay so we just got our plans situated for the next few days, it is about 10:15 pm and we finalized our plans. We are going to Turku, which is in Finland to play in an exhibition tournament there. Rad thing about it is that they are paying for our flights to get there, hotels, meals, and our flight to our next event! How rad is that! Get the hell outta this expensive place and get our sh$# paid for. So we fly out at the butt crack of dawn, 6:20am, and we get into Turku at about 12:30, to play at 3:30 pm. Hey, we do what we gotta do. Room, meals, flights paid for, for the whole weekend....then we go to Aland to play on Tuesday, then on Friday...........WE GO HOME!


Nicole said...

Those sound like fabulous plans! Especially the paid for ones and the one that you home for a while too!

mpmb said...
